Three strikes, you're out!
What a crazy weekend. I hit my head three times...once Luke and I bonked heads, then I hit it on the cupboard door (which I left open by the way) and then Pete was up on the roof and I ran right in to the ladder with my face! I thought I broke my nose but it just turned very red.
The whole reason that happened was because I was talking to my neighbor and our kids were in the back yard when she heard crying so she took off. I was holding Maya and she took off after my neighbor and I walked right into the ladder. Luke comes running around the other side crying because someone was on the swing and he walked right in front of her and got hit in the mouth so he was bleeding and I am trying to focus and check to see if my nose is bleeding and put the dog in the house. Pete is wondering what the heck is going on and mutters "I told him a million times to not walk in front of the swing!" as he went inside to get a cloth for Luke.
Meanwhile, one hearing aid is in the shop so I keep being annoying by asking everyone "What?" a million times. Pennie was nice enough to take Breanna and I to the mall. I was looking at sweaters and pulled one out to look at it and could not see the detail on it...did it have a zipper, buttons, what? Another adjustment I am going to have to get used to.
I was glad to see Monday come.
Breanna did well at her parent teacher conference. She needs to work on math and penmanship and is doing great in everything else. Her teacher says she likes how Breanna works hard and keeps working to try to get something done and does not give up easily so that was nice to hear. We also talked about how next year she will have to be in school at 7:30!!!! Now she does not have to be there until 9:00. This will be an adjustment for all of us.
Pete was up on the roof putting the Christmas lights up so he won't have to do it when it is too cold and slippery like last year. He also did some fall cleaning around the yard, applied some more insect "remover" and put up some plastic on some of the bigger windows.
We went to church on Sunday, watched Notre Dame lose at the last moment and Wisconsin win at the last moment.
I will end with a Luke statement. he had his picture taken at school and I asked him the name of the photographer and he said, "Mr. George like George Bush!"
Have a good one, people, and watch out for that ladder!
You have to keep your nose out of harms way. I hope your hearing aid comes back soon. If we ever get the room painted we might ask you to paint some clouds on it. We'll have to do a book of Luke sayings. Well call it "Mr. George like George Bush".
Grampa John
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