
Tuesday, June 21, 2005

hello again from the linna home by brea

I will call myself an strange object in space if I wasn't 9 years old! Thats how odd I am and I can almost rip any thing made out of paper. But the good thing about me is that I have a good imagination . So now that I'm done complaining i'll tell you what i've been doing. I started a summer school thats from 8:00 to 12:00 all week . My classes are rockety and extreame dream home ! In rockety I watched Octobeter Sky And in dream home I drawing my dream home!My brother is not any nicer to me. I can't teach him this week anyway because of summer school! Hope your week is as good as mine!
the strange object in space Breanna hagw ( have a good week god bless you always)
ps.what is up with all the meanings like hagw i think it's silly and very cool !


At 6:45 PM, Blogger Penelda said...

Hello Strange object in space.

Hope you are learning lots and having fun. Hope that in the future Luke learns to be nicer to you.

At 5:51 AM, Blogger Dr.John said...

Hello strange object. You do have a great imagination. Now just imagine Luke being nicer to you and it might happen.

At 6:37 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

hagw what does that mean? Your classes sound cool and fun. Be patient with luke it will get better.



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