
Friday, June 10, 2005

Sorry you can't get dsl

It was a good night. My nose hurts a bit from the mask. Today was Breanna last day of 4th grade. She only had half a day. She did great on her report card. We are very proud of her. We took both kids to the doctors for their follow up exams. The doc said they are both healthy. Luke is now in the 50% on height and weight. I took off the rest of the day from work but still had to solve some problems from home. Found out that Global Crossing had to put 4000 in to an IRA for me because of a settlement. I better move the money before they change their minds. I called SBC to get phone, DSL and the dish. The lady told me that we could not get DSL. I then called TDS metro they are our current phone company. He told me that we can't get DSL. I tried one more earthlink. Again we can't get DSL. Pretty sad that Dad can get DSL in Crystal Falls and here in the big city we can't. We are looking at dumping Time Warner and changing to Earthlink cable. Then we will change to a dish company. It should save some money. well I better go take my sleeping pill.



At 4:13 AM, Blogger Dr.John said...

Why not just quit watching television for the summer?

At 9:50 PM, Blogger Penelda said...

Well I am sorry to hear that you will be leaving the timewarner. I like having the same e-mail address except for one number. Glad to hear that Breanna did well. She has one proud aunt here.

At 10:03 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

DSL whats that isnt that like dial up?
Just wondering. LOL


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