It was a long but exciting weekend looking at houses for John and Betty. It is amazing the range of homes we looked at; some not good at all,and others soooooo close to what they are looking for. Betty just called to tell me they decided to wait until fall so they can take their time getting used to the idea and getting ready. Hopefully, Pete and I can keep and eye out for something that will be perfect for them. We sure enjoyed having them here and miss them already. Meanwhile, when we go to Crystal, we can help pack of few things and bring them here for storage if they want us to (or not). It is such a hard decision and I am not even making it!
Tonight we have Breanna's parent teacher conference and registration for Luke for kindergarden. We are hoping there will be a half day option available at his school because we think that would be ideal for him. Afterwards, we are going to my mom's house for chili which she has made twice for us but we have not been able to get there to eat it. It is supposed to snow today, but we are going!!!
Until next time, Lori
My sisterinlaw found out about our deciding to postpone by reading your blog and she called. Boy news travels fast.
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