
Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Last night we went to meet the family of the girl we are ride sharing with for Luke's preschool. It went well...they are such a nice family. This morning was the first time we picked up Anna, Luke's classmate, and went to the school. We waved to Breanna, who was on patrol duty at her school, as we drove past.

Later, Anna's mom picked me up and we went to get the kids and the first thing Luke said was, "I do not want to go to school!" I asked him later what happened and he said school was fine and they had Jello for snack. They learned about how God takes care of people when they are scared.

Tonight Pete took the kids to Breanna's school for the fall fest. They wore their costumes, Breanna as a princess and Luke decided to wear the cow costume and we could not talk him out of it. (In fact he is still wearing it and it is bedtime).

I talked to Pete about going to Crystal and his dad sent a note saying Betty would not be there Sat. so he decided we should stay home so he can finish putting up the Christmas lights.

We are not doing well on our family exercise program since Breanna has had homework or we had errands to run. We will try tomorrow night. I have done well so far this week on my Weight Watcher points. I read Betty was the biggest loser in her TOPS group so I am glad someone is doing well in that department.

Pete and I have been watching the World Series except last night I finally went to sleep after the tenth went 14. Tonight they showed Barbara and George Bush in the stands and Barbara was keeping score. I asked Pete if she was really doing that and he informed me that true fans keep score. Learn something new everyday.

Have a good one...Lori


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