
Tuesday, January 24, 2006

The land of the 'still and still nots"

I am thinking of all the things I have to do and haven't done.

The property taxes are still not paid.

The inflatable bed is still not working.

The living room is still not back to where it was before Christmas.

I still have not made a dentist appointment for Luke.

Maya is still sick.

I still have not decided whether to walk the marathon although I did talk about it with a friend last night so I made some progress.

I still have not finished cleaning my bathroom.

I still have not done the laundry (might as well just lump all household chores into this one).

I still have to call my mom.

I still have to write some Thank You notes.

I still have to come up with a budget plan.

I still have to get Luke's birth certificate to the school (finally found it!).

I still have not listened to my new cd I got for Christmas.

I still have not opened the yoga video I got from Pete (and I asked for) three Christmases ago.

I am still eating too many cookies.

I still have not sent in the postcard to win a trip from Regis and Kelly even though I have all the clues.

On the flip side, I still love my family, I still feel pretty lucky to have the life I have and I still wouldn't trade places with anyone.

I still have to make lunch!

Have a good one...Lori


At 11:08 AM, Blogger Dr.John said...

We have learned not to make lists. There are just too many things we haven't done and may never do.
Grampa John

At 5:51 PM, Blogger Penelda said...


I thinking walking the marathon would be a good one to do on your list.
Now that you made the list remember to check things off as you get them done it feels good.

May the force be with you



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