
Monday, May 08, 2006

I Hate Colds

Saturday I came down with a nasty cold. I tried the cover the cold with medicine and it kind of worked. I dreaded going to sleep. I have to wear a cpap mask and when your nose is stuffed wearing a mask is scary. I took some nyquil and put on the mask and started to panic. I went down stairs and I tried sleeping sitting up in a chair. It was wierd I was watching VH1 and every time I would wake up the same video was on their rotation is in sync with my sleep cycle. Sunday I was down for the count. It was a beautiful day but all I could do was blow my nose and cough up a lung. The family was great my daughter was room service and nurse and my wife cooked comfort food and made a great shake. I got to see two good movies. I did fall a sleep without mask a few times during the movies and when I did not have a headache. The other problem is the medicine gamble. What pill is going to work this time. You take the gamble and if it does not work you have wait 3 to 4 hours to try again. I was able to keep the mask on last night. I took dayquil and am at work. I am still coughing up junk and blowing my nose. Makes you want to live in a germ free bubble.



At 1:08 PM, Blogger B.R.L said...

We also have that cold and your dad has the same problem with the mask, We decidedto use Day Quil for the night because the lung expert said not to take something that puts you to sleep.

At 6:04 PM, Blogger Penelda said...

Well I have it too but no sleep problems and the hand is not impacted by the cold. Hope your virus goes away soon. It must be nice to have your own room service.

At 5:07 AM, Blogger Dr.John said...

But in a gern free bubble you get no room service and people can't show you how much they care. Coughing and my full face mask are driving me nuts ( or was I there already?)


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